Saturday, November 28, 2009

Gingerbread House Delight!

You see the kits...... no child can resist the promise of a perfect and beautiful gingerbread house upon completion.
Dad's can enjoy it too, in their own special way.
The masterpiece!
Pride in a job well done.


Andrea said...

Job well done!
Blessings, andrea

T. Powell Coltrin said...

very nice. I've never made one...and if I did, I would hate to eat it.

Aren't dad's handy??

Anonymous said...

Very cute! I need to pick up a kit this week. It's just so much easier then trying to collect or make everything myself for the house. It's worth the 10 bucks or so for the kit! Your family is adorable.

Teri said...

That looks like so much fun!!!!

Azure Accessories said... truly is a master piece, your photos are wonderful...

I LOVED making Gingerbread Houses when the kids were small...only made a couple though...they used to help me with the Christmas baking right into their 20's...I don't bake the same way anymore!
I do miss the family time...enjoy yours!


Joshua McCune said...

Yes, boys in general are all about he eating (i.e., destruction :)

Petula said...

That's so cool! We haven't done a Gingerbread House in about six years.

Unknown said...

We haven't done ours yet but we love making and eating them every year!

Diane said...

We did have a lot of fun making it. :O)

Angie Muresan said...

You know, I can not ever seem to be able to put one of those gingerbread house kits together. Frustrating!

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